Sep 29

Cyber Chip Make-up Instructions

At the Sept. 26 meeting attending scouts earned their Cyber Chip, which certifies that they understand and abide by the rules of safe and responsible use of electronic devices and the Internet.

Scouts who missed the Sept. 19 or Sept. 26 meetings can catch up by:

  1. Reviewing the Cyber Chip requirements at
  2. Work with their parents on a personalized contract covering responsible electronics and Internet use.
  3. Viewing online videos that address Internet safety topics, available at In the Sept 19 meeting we viewed and discussed Friend or Fake, 6 Degrees of Information, Two Kinds of Stupid, and You Can’t Take It Back.
  4. Present what they have learned to other scouts or adult leaders in the troop.
  5. Review the Troop 365 policy on electronics use.

Cyber Chip certification is good for 12 months. Instructions for renewing the Cyber Chip can be found online at

Having one’s Cyber Chip will be required to attend the Holidome outing planned for January 2015.

Sep 17

Fruit & Greenery / Popcorn Kickoff – September 29

Kickoff for the Fruit & Greenery and Popcorn sales will happen during the regular troop meeting on Monday, September 29th. Scouts and Parents – please plan to attend the meeting for all of the sales details and to pickup your sales packets. This is the best way to earn your fees for future campouts! We are aiming for 100% participation this year.

Sep 02

Cyber Chip – September 15

Cyber Chip

At the September 15th troop meeting, scouts will have the opportunity to learn about responsible use of digital technology, culminating in their earning the Cyber Chip. In order to earn the Cyber Chip, scouts should complete the following prior to this meeting:

Write and sign a personalized contract between the scout and their parent or guardian that outlines rules for using the computer and mobile devices, including what you can download, what you can post, and consequences for inappropriate use.

Aug 27

Worthington Cub Scout Shoot-O-Ree – Sept. 26-28

What: Be an actual Staff Member on this campout! You will assist at various stations helping Cub Scouts with shooting and other activities. This is what true Boy Scouts do — Service to others. So we need guys who 1) want to earn service hours, 2) want to camp and eat FOR FREE, and 3) want a FREE campout patch! Not to mention, who want to be BMOC – Big Man on Campout in front of the Cub Scouts!

Where: Camp Lazarus

When: We meet at the Church Friday, Sept. 26 at 6:00pm to load up, and leave soon thereafter. We return to the Church Sunday, Sept. 28 by 4:30pm.

Why: OK, I understand the need to ask? It’s because we pledge an oath every week that includes “help other people at all times”, remember that? Here is that time.

Cost: FREE — $0.00 — Covers transportation, food, lodging and a campout patch. WAIT! Did he say $0.00? YES! That means FREE!! We can’t even TRY to make this cheaper!

Worthington Cub Scout Shoot-O-Ree Permission Form


Aug 08

Troop Service Project – September 21

Troop Service Project

First: show up at 1:30pm on September 21 at the Flats by Worthington High School and be ready to work! We will be picking up trash around the bike trail. ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY!
we clean ourselves up and have a cookout at the Flats. Bring your favorite frisbee or soccer ball for the cookout.

Bring: work gloves, old clothes, boots, and a water bottle (filled with water).


Aug 08

Kelley’s Island – September 5-7

This year we will be camping on the island! Check your calendars and see if biking, fishing, sight-seeing and camping skills-learning are for you. If you are an adult with a vehicle with a hitch and can haul a trailer, please contact Gary Meyer.

When: September 5-7

Cost: $40 includes all food, campground fee, ferry ride and transportation costs.

Ready to sign-up?  A sign-up sheet is on-line through TroopWebHost and a paper sign-up sheet will be at the August 11th meeting and August 24th Court of Honor. Let us know if you are going to bring your bike!

Aug 08

Fall Kickoff Court of Honor – August 24

Troop 365’s Kickoff Court of Honor

When: Sunday, August 24, 2014 at 5:00pm for dinner; program to follow.

Where: Worthington United Methodist Church South Fellowship Hall – our regular meeting place in the basement

What to bring: 2 side dishes to share, tableware for yourselves, your own beverages. We will provide the hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill!

** Patrol leaders are calling each family to confirm a head-count of your attending family members. Please call him by August 21st to confirm how many from your family will be coming. Those who do not RSVP are not guaranteed a hamburger or hot dog. Thank you for your cooperation!

Aug 08

Skills Development Session – August 9th

If you still need some skills signed off before the Advancement Wrap-up on Monday, August 11th, then you may want to join us at the picnic/group camping area at Alum Creek State Park off Lewis Center Road to the left on Saturday at 10am. Mr. Cook and Mr. Roderick will be there for a few hours — 10 to 3’ish, and Aidan will cook up some brunch/lunch for those that can attend. Any other adults interested are welcome as well.

Skills include include reading map symbols, Leave No Trace rules, selecting a tent/patrol site, wood tools use, fire building and cooking, tracking wild animals (or evidence of them), to name a few.

Please call Mr. Roderick today and let him know if you are planning to attend.

Aug 05

Citizenship in the World Merit Badge Workshop

I will be conducting a Citizenship in the World merit badge workshop in late August or September at my house, 175 Kenbrook Dr. For those who did the other two Citizenship merit badges with Dr. Dorothy, my house is right next door to his. The actual date of the workshop will be dependent on how many sign up as we might need to break it up into more than one group, but it should be in August and/or September. It should take about 3 hours.

Any boy who would like to sign up can send an email to me at or sign up on a list I will bring to the next few troop meetings.

Boys who sign up are required to read the merit badge handbook and come to the meeting prepared to discuss requirements #1-2, 4a&c, and 5-6. As preparation for the workshop, I suggest they print out and complete the merit badge worksheet located at . I will ask the boys as they show up if they have read the handbook, if they have not, they should not stay. I know this sounds harsh, but without reading it, it is unlikely that most boys (I’m sure there are exceptions) will be able to effectively discuss the subject matter, which is a requirement for this Eagle required merit badge. Each boy must participate in the discussion for me to sign off on the requirements. I will do the class again every six months or so, so if the scout is not ready for this badge yet, they will have plenty of opportunities.

In addition, each boy will need to do #3 and 7 (two from the list) as homework. For #7, as one of the two required, I suggest that they try to do #7e, as there are multiple ethnic festivals in Columbus at this time of year including:
Latino Festival Aug 9-10
African VIllage Arts Festival Aug 16-17
India Festival Aug 16
Greek Festival Aug 29-Sep 1
Macedonian Festival Sep 5-7
Germania Oktoberfest Sep 20-21
and more…

Yours in scouting,
Dave Nadolny