Worthington Cub Scout Shoot-O-Ree – Sept. 26-28

What: Be an actual Staff Member on this campout! You will assist at various stations helping Cub Scouts with shooting and other activities. This is what true Boy Scouts do — Service to others. So we need guys who 1) want to earn service hours, 2) want to camp and eat FOR FREE, and 3) want a FREE campout patch! Not to mention, who want to be BMOC – Big Man on Campout in front of the Cub Scouts!

Where: Camp Lazarus

When: We meet at the Church Friday, Sept. 26 at 6:00pm to load up, and leave soon thereafter. We return to the Church Sunday, Sept. 28 by 4:30pm.

Why: OK, I understand the need to ask? It’s because we pledge an oath every week that includes “help other people at all times”, remember that? Here is that time.

Cost: FREE — $0.00 — Covers transportation, food, lodging and a campout patch. WAIT! Did he say $0.00? YES! That means FREE!! We can’t even TRY to make this cheaper!

Worthington Cub Scout Shoot-O-Ree Permission Form


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