Feb 19

Valley Forge Thank You

Here is a thank you received by a parent that attended Valley Forge:

THANK YOU all again for your hard work and leadership in making the trip to Valley Forge happen! You and your fellow leaders at Troop 365 are doing a wonderful job and are to be commended for your guidance and hard work these past few days. In my line of work, we say that a plan is just a basis for deviation as things rarely go according to plan. Not only did your group have an excellent plan, you all made the almost constant deviations and changes appear easy to handle and they were always met with grace on your part. Superb! My son and I made memories of adventures that we will cherish for the rest of our lives!

Feb 13

Valley Forge Update

Tonight the troop will be leaving for Valley Forge. Our Scoutmaster and Scouters have reviewed the cold weather predictions and any necessary adjustments needed. This is the oldest continuous annual camping event for the Boy Scouts, exceeding 100 years. We are PREPARED and have spent time with the Scouts addressing their preparation & first aid. Each adult attending has been charged with extra vigilance, but this is what we train for and how Scouts learn.

For those attending, meet at church at 5pm and the bus will roll at 5:30!

Jan 31

Valley Forge – February 13-16

We are history bound once again to the fields of Valley Forge. We will stay in a church Friday night, arrive at Valley Forge Saturday morning and camp on the national park, use our compasses to hike the historic trail on Sunday, spend the night in a hotel with a pool, visit Philly, and head home Monday.

Permission forms are due no later than February 2nd. Remember to sign up on-line on TroopWebHost.

When: We meed at the church at 5pm on Friday, February 13th to load up and leave soon thereafter. We plan to return around 6pm on Monday, February 16th. Please join us Thursday at 7pm to pack the troop gear in advance.

Cost: $95.00 (cost includes all lodging, travel, food, patch and trail medal)

Valley Forge Permission Form

Jan 06

Bushwhack Hike – January 25

What: Bushwhack Hike

When: Sunday, January 25, 2015; leave the church at 7am and return around 4:30pm.

Activities: The Hike will be the Clifton Gorge trail at John Bryan State Park, with a lunch break at the Clifton Mill, and ice create at Young’s Dairy to cap off the hike (start practicing your “mooooooooo”). Hikers will receive a patch for this trail, usually bigger than your head.

Cost: $13. Bring additional money for lunch and ice cream ($12-15).

Please direct any questions, comments or concerns to Scooter N. or Knoble P.

Bushwhack 2015 Permission Form

Jan 06

Holidome – January 10-11

What: Holidme Trip

When: The bus will leave the church at Noon on Saturday, January 10th and return around 1pm on Sunday, January 11th.

Bring: Any electronic gaming device you would like, but remember anything you bring is YOUR responsibility. To attend this outing you must have earned your Cyber Chip. Also, bring a swimsuit and towel if you man to use the water park.

Holidome 2015 Permission Form

Nov 23

Bushwhack Hike – January 25

When: Sunday, January 25, 2015 at 7AM at the church; return to the church 4:30PM’ish.

Activities: The Hike will be the Clifton Gorge trail at John Bryan State Park, with a lunch break at the Clifton Mill, and ice cream at Young’s Dairy to cap off the hike (start practicing your “moooooooooo”).   Hikers will receive a patch for this trail, usually bigger than your head. Please direct any questions, comments or concerns to Scooter N. or Knoble P. (who will get back to you).

Cost: $13. Bring additional money for lunch and ice cream ($12-15).

Bushwhack 2015 – Permission and Information Form


Nov 12

Turkey Shoot Update

To Scouts and Scouters of Troop 365


We are looking forward to another great Turkey Shoot at Chief Logan this weekend.  We are making extra arrangement due to the severe cold.  Being prepared is the best approach and your son’s safety is paramount.

  • There are heated buildings available for warmth.
  • Scouts who choose to sleep outdoors will have an equipment check by either Star, Life, Eagle Scouts and or the Scouters attending.
  • ASM’s will have hand warmers for Scouts who run out or forget.
  • Use our website for tips, most importantly smart wool socks, a sleeping bag liner, long underwear, hats, foot & hand warmers for the tent. https://bsa365.org/wp-content/uploads/winter-backpacking-tips.pdf
  • No one camps alone, everyone will have at least one tent buddy.  This generates warmth.
  • Adults will be continuously checking on the Scouts during the weekend.
  • Encourage your Scout to ask for help from an older Scout. This is our method and develops leadership & trust within the troop.

Thanks for trusting Troop 365.

Bill Alsnauer, Committee Chair

P.S. I’m sorry I’ve created some confusion.  Scouts will be tent camping.  The heated buildings are a back up.

Oct 28

November Outdoor Events

Hello Scouters, there two significant outdoor events with Troop 365 coming up in November.

November 1 is our Webelos’ Welcome Hike in the Hocking Hills. What do you need to know?

  1. Meet at church at 6:20AM. Bus rolls at 6:30AM
  2. All Scouts must wear their class A uniforms, have good hiking boots, some trail snacks (gorp) and water.
  3. It will be cold & sunny so dressing in layers will be best. Hiking will warm us all up.
  4. This day will also include optional camping and or rappelling but most Scouts will be hiking and returning before dark to the church.
  5. Join us. It will be a great day for a walk, hike, and don’t forget our bean soup served at Cedar Falls.

Turkey Shoot: November 14-16. Please make sure your Scout has signed up for this event. Parents are welcome too. Last year we had over 100 attendees. There is a requirement for ALL SCOUTS, they must attend the November 10th meeting for firearms safety. Also, we retire old US flags at our campfire and it is a great event, so feel free to gather up worn out Old Glory’s.

Bill Alsnauer, committee chairperson