Feb 03

Committee Meeting – February 5th

 Our committee meeting is one week earlier this month for some specific reasons.   I hope you are able to attend.
  1. Conversation about new parent onboarding & education:  Paul Dorothy is both presenting and looking for feedback.
  2. Working the calendar.
    1. Spaghetti Dinner:  Jamie Prosser and friends.
    2. Outdoor: Gary Meyer
      1. Upcoming events
      2. Summer activities, camps. (Jerry Roderick)   Letter to be distributed, volunteers needed.   (Bill Alsnauer)
      3. Bus School  March 1, 2104
  1. Scoutmaster Report  Jerry Roderick
  2. Recruitment Report  Duane  Thompson
  3. Communication:  Eric Francis and/or Jeff Sweet and/or Pat Connelly.
  4. Michael Hock Celebration  June 28th.  (Jeff Sweet/Karen Roderick)  SKC is aware of the date.


Jan 24

Scout Safety Meeting Jan. 27 – Attendance Required

Dear Scouts, Scouters & Scout Families,


On January 27, 2014, 7PM, Troop 365 will have our annual Scout Safety meeting. Attendance is required of Scouts & Scouters. I encourage a parent to join your son.


“Be Prepared” is the Boy Scout Motto and that is what our evening will address. Mr. Ron Grocki will talk about bullying, personal safety, and will present a BSA prepared DVD called “A Time to Tell.” This video teaches the boys and adults how to keep a lookout for predatory activities and teaches them what to do if they are in an uncomfortable, compromised, or dangerous situation.


These are not easy subjects to address but we are committed to the safety of the boys and we want to ensure that everyone has a very clear understanding of what is appropriate and what is not. Parents, please join us so that should your son have questions on the ride home or later, you will have the common experience as a reference.


Thank you for entrusting BSA Troop 365 with your son.


If your son is unable to attend or you have other concerns, please email me at wralsnauer @ gmail.com or call my cell @ 614-296-5960.





Bill Alsnauer


BSA 365 Committee Chair


Jan 21

Troop Communication – Updates

To: All involved in Scouting

From: Committee Chair Bill Alsnauer January 20,2014

Re: Communication, updates, calendar, etc.

The committee has been talking about the issue of informing Scouts, Scouters & parents in a timely manner about Scout activities, changes, weather and so on. Before I delve into the beginning of our solution, let me speak about Scouting and the historical reasons for the way we do things.

Each Troop is divided into patrols & communication is designed to flow from the Patrol Leadership Council to the Patrol Leaders, to the boys in that patrol. It is designed that way to help the boys with their communication skills, learn how to make a phone call and reinforce the relationships within their patrol. This system will fail from time to time and it is from that that we hope that the boys will learn. In addition, all related announcements are made during Troop meetings, both during announcements and during patrol corners. Obviously attendance is a prerequisite to this being effective. The final piece here is, it is the role of each patrol’s assistant Scout Master & Scout Master to check in with the boys to make sure that each has done his job.

PLEASE READ THE COMPLETE LETTER HERE: Communciate Letter to adults 20140120

Jan 21

Whooping Cough Notice

Dear Scouts/Parents,

We have just been notified of a case of pertussis (whooping cough) in your child’s Boy Scout Troop. Pertussis is a highly contagious illness that begins with mild, cold-like symptoms including cough and runny nose. These first symptoms typically appear 7-10 days after a person is exposed. The cough typically worsens over the following weeks and becomes spasmodic. The cough may be followed by a “whooping” sound. The spasms of cough may be followed by vomiting. Some persons with pertussis may have very mild symptoms (mild cough with no other symptoms) and may not realize that they are sick or contagious. Pertussis is most severe in infants and can cause death.

Pertussis is spread through coughing or sneezing. It can also be spread by touching a tissue or sharing a cup used by someone with pertussis.

Pertussis is treated with an antibiotic (erythromycin). Students who are prescribed antibiotics for suspected pertussis can return to school following the fifth day of treatment. Without antibiotics, a person with pertussis is considered to be contagious for three weeks. It is important that ill students stay at home away from others (especially infants and young children).

Pertussis vaccine is administered in combination with diphtheria and tetanus vaccine (DTaP) in a five-dose series and protects children against whooping cough. Please check with your health care provider to make sure your child’s shots are up-to-date. If you have any questions, please contact your family doctor.

Please watch your child for any symptoms of pertussis (mild, cold-like symptoms) over the next several weeks. If you notice any of these symptoms in your child, please notify your primary care physician as soon as possible.

BSA Troop 365


Jan 06

Bushwhack Hike – February 1

Bushwhack 2014 PatchDate: Saturday, February 1, 2014 at 7AM at the church; return to the church 4:30PM ‘ish.

Activities: The Hike will be the Clifton Gorge trail at John Bryan State Park, with a lunch break at the Clifton Mill, and ice cream at Young’s Dairy to cap off the hike (start practicing your “mooooo”). Hikers will receive a patch for this trail, usually bigger than your head.

Cost: $10. Bring additional money for lunch and ice cream.

Bushwhack Permission Form

Jan 06

Holidome – January 11-12


WHEN: Saturday January 11 – Sunday January 12
The bus will leave the church at 12 o’ clock sharp.
We will return to the church at 1 o’ clock.

WHERE: Look at the title.

WHY: Because it is awesome!

WHO: Everyone going.

HOW: By Bus.

COST: 38 George Washingtons

Holidome 2014 Permission Form

Fort Rapids requires a release waiver for all scouts and scouters in attendance. This is in addition to the BSA 365 permission slip. Please print and fill out the release waiver below. Bring it with you on Saturday.

Holidome 2014 Waiver Release