Apr 19

Chess Merit Badge – May 1st & 15th

Sessions are being planned for scouts wishing to earn the Chess merit badge.
Requirements for this merit badge can be found at http://meritbadge.org/wiki/index.php/Chess

  • Session 1 – Thursday 1 May, 6pm-8:30pm, Worthington United Methodist Church, room 317 – Scouts may bring their own chess set if they wish, but this is not necessary. We will work on requirements 1 through 5.
  • Session 2 – Thursday 15 May, 6pm-9pm, Old Worthington Library meeting room – participating scouts will organize a tournament to fulfill requirement 6.

In advance of the first session, please review the Chess merit badge book or equivalent reference(s) and come prepared to discuss the topics described in requirements 1, 2, 4b, 4c, 5a, and 5b.
At the 21 April troop meeting I will have a limited number of books that scouts can borrow if need be.

For the second session, note that parking space is limited at the library so carpooling/ridesharing is encouraged.

For both sessions, scouts may bring their own chess set if they wish, but they are not required to do so.

Reminder – scouts must obtain a signed blue card.

Pat Connolly

Apr 06

Friends of Scouting

Dear Parents and Adult Leaders,

I hope that you and your son are enjoying the Scouting program this year and are looking forward to our Troop’s Court of Honor on April 7th. There is an exciting program lined up to celebrate Scouts and all of their achievements.  I sincerely hope that you are able to attend to see the Scouts recognized for their efforts.

In addition to the COH program, we will have our annual Friends of Scouting presentation to ask for your support of the local Scouting program. The dues we pay each year provide the funds needed to run the unit program and pay our $24 registration fee to the National Boy Scouts of America.  These funds do not support our local Simon Kenton Council and all of the services they provide. From the flyer your son first brought home to get him into Scouting, the camps we use for activities, to the Campership program that sends underprivileged Scouts to camp, are funded by the Simon Kenton Council Friends of Scouting program. Our council spends about $150 per Scout above and beyond the yearly chartering fee we all pay.

I know that many things compete for your dollars but would ask you to seriously consider joining me in making an investment in youth development through the Friends of Scouting Campaign. Instilling Scouting principles in young people takes the support of many, and we need your support to continue equipping youth for a lifetime of challenges they will all face to ensure they are “Prepared. For Life.”

Corporate and United Way donations are more difficult to come by each year and it is important that we directly support the program that is impacting our children every day. Last year Troop 365 gave at our Court of Honor $2,543. That is $2,543 that literally changes the lives of the youth in Central Ohio through Scouting. The goal this year is to increase the number of gifts and amount raised to impact more kids.

You can make a pledge at the presentation and pay it whenever and however you want in 2014 or write a check and make a donation that night.  All Friends of Scouting donations are 100% tax deductible.  Thank you in advance for your generous support and for choosing the Scouting program as an adventure for your family.

With Sincere Appreciation,
Bill Alsnauer
Committee Chair
Troop 365

Mar 11

Troop Committee Meeting – Weds March 12

This month’s committee meeting will start late (7:45 p.m.) to allow parents to attend the Summer Camp (Chief Logan) meeting scheduled for 7:00. We will cover the following topics and conclude at 8:45 p.m.:

1. New Parent Onboarding/Orientation – P. Dorothy
2. Treasurer Report
3. Scoutmaster Report
4. Outdoor Chairman Report
5. Indoor Chairman Report
6. Reminder of the Mike Hock celebration – June 28th

Mar 09

Physical Fitness Night

Where: The Scout Church (normal weekly meeting location). Due to conflicts with other locations, we will conduct a fitness focused meeting at our normal meeting place.

Date: Monday, March 10, 2014 at 7:00PM at the scout church, done at 8:30PM

Activities: Bring gym clothes if you wish. We will work on Physical Fitness Merit Badge requirements, review prerequisites for the up coming Merit Badge Workshop this Saturday, other advancement wrap up activities, and sharing stories from the great wilderness survival campout.

Mar 02

Wilderness Survival Campout 2014

Where: Prosser Family Farm (near Laurelville, Ohio at the edge of the Hocking Hills)

Date: Friday, March 7, 2014 at 5:30PM at the church (leave by 6PM); return to the church on Sunday, March 9th at 12:30PM.

Activities: Wilderness survival skills (shelter building, fire building, lashings), fishing, merit badge work.

Cost: $25.

Wilderness Survival – Permission Form

Wilderness Survival – What to bring

Feb 25

2 Hour Bus School – New Drivers Needed


What: A no-obligation indoor 2 hour class room school on obtaining a Commercial Drivers License

When: Saturday, March 1st. Meeting/Departing from the church at 8:30AM. Class is from 9-11AM.

Activity: The focus will be on the basics of the CDL and how to conduct a bus inspection. Support your boys, your troop and join us even if  you are just curious.

Please RSVP to Bill Alsnauer:  614-296-5960 or email at wralsnauer@gmail.com

Feb 22

Merit Badge Workshop – March 15th

Merit Badge Workshop 2014

Worthington United Methodist Church
March 15, 2014

Our annual Merit Badge Workshop will enable scouts to complete entire merit badges as well as complete partials. Scouts will be required to complete some pre-requisites prior to the workshop depending on the chosen Merit Badges. Sign-up sheets will be at the next 2 Troop meetings. Merit Badge Classes will be determined by demand as well as counselor availability. Lunch (pizza and soda) will be provided. This event is free for members of Troop 365.

Questions? Call Tim Hamner 614-314-4282.

Please be respectful of the Leaders and Merit Badge Counselors by attending if you have signed up for the Merit Badge Workshop.

Merit Badge Workshop 2014 Handout

Feb 09

President’s Day Trip – February 14

Date: Friday, February 14, 2014 at 5:30PM at the church (leave at 6PM); return to the church on Monday, February 17 at 2PM.presidents

Activities: Cabin ‘camping’ at Camp Buckeye with trips to the McKinley Memorial and Museum, Hoover Price Planetarium, Pro Football Hall of Fame, and Warther’s Carving museum! Skills training and a scavenger hunt are also planned.

Cost: $70. Bring additional money for gifts or souvenirs.

Presidents Day Permission Form

Feb 05

Indian Lore Merit Badge – March 2

We’re planning to do the BSA Indian Lore merit badge in one afternoon with Scooter & Aleks next month and your boy(s) is invited to join us if they are interested. Please let us know if your son is coming by 02/15/14 so we can make arrangements with the Ohio History Center and have all of the materials ready.

Here’s our plan:

Sunday, March 2 • Noon – 5:30 pm
Cost: About $15 for Ohio History Center admission and speaker (working on a group rate with them, could be less, but this is worst case cost)
Meet at: 175 Kenbrook Drive (Dave & Jodi’s, well send a map as it is hard to find the first time)
Wear: Full Uniform (and eat lunch before you get here)
One Prerequisite: Details below

We’ll be heading down to the Ohio History Center to view Indian artifacts (we’re trying to arrange an Ohio Indian speaker there as well). Back at our house, we’ll make models of Indian longhouses, prepare three Indian dishes and finish up by reviewing the prerequisite that each boy chose to complete. We’ll also get to see a tomahawk head that was found in the lot next door to us!

One Prerequisite:

Have your boy research ONE of the following and bring to our meeting (hopefully they will chose several different ones so that it is more interesting to share).

a. Write or briefly describe how life would have been different for the European settlers if there had been no native Americans to meet them when they came to this continent.

b. Sing two songs in an Indian language. Explain their meaning.

c. Learn in an Indian language at least 25 common terms and their meanings.

d. Show 25 signs in Indian sign language. Include those that will help you ask for water, for food, and where the path or road leads.

e. Learn in English (or the language you commonly speak at home or in the troop) an Indian story of at least 250 words, or any number of shorter ones adding up to 300 words. Tell the story or stories at a Scout meeting or campfire.

f. Write or tell about eight things adopted by others from American Indians.

g. Learn 25 Indian place names. Tell their origins and meanings.

h. Name five well-known American Indian leaders, either from the past or people of today. Give their tribes or nations. Describe what they did or do now that makes them notable.

i. Learn about the Iroquois Confederacy, including how and why it was formed. Tell about its governing system. Describe some of the similarities and differences between the governments of the United States and of the Six Nations (the Haudenosaunee or Iroquois Confederacy).

The boys will also need to get a blue card with Jodi Barnhill as their advisor before we start (and bring it with them).