Is your 2011-2012 Eagle project really good?

Ohio State Fair’s Eagle Scout Project of the Year

Don’t miss the chance to win a Centennial Eagle Scout Rank Patch Set, a solar pack and other cool prized by being the Ohio State Fair’s Eagle Scout Project of the Year award winner. This year, the Boy Scouts of America celebrates the 100th anniversary of the top Boy Scout rank, the Eagle Scout. In conjunction with the celebration, one central Ohio Eagle Scout will receive recognition as having created the Eagle Scout Project of the Year. Local Eagle Scouts will have a chance to submit posters highlighting their project, to be displayed at the Ohio State Fair in the council’s booth. A group of community leaders who have earned the Eagle rank, will vote on which project will receive the top honors of Project of the Year. The winning Eagle Scout will receive a commemorative centennial Eagle Scout patch set as well as other exciting prizes from the council. Arthur Rose Eldred became the Boy Scouts of America’s first Eagle Scout on Aug. 21, 1912. Since then, more than two million Scouts have earned the award.

For more information, contact Jerry Roderick, our Scoutmaster, or Jen Koma, 614-310-1333 or

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